2015 Update from Tanzania


[In 2013 and 2014, P4P shipped its first two pallets of sewing machines to Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. In November of 2015, we got this update from Mr. Jonathan Mulokozi of Community Support Mission, our partner there.]

Dear David,

Here is our work report.

We sold 35 sewing machines, each for 100,000 Tanzania shillings (about $46 U.S.). These sales cover our shipping and port charges, so we can use the rest of the machines to make a profit.

tanzaniaManModelingSuitIMG_20150924_160339We sold 10 of the other machines to a Member of Parliament in the Mbeya region, where she distributed the machines to women’s groups.

We use other machines in the three new sewing and training centers we opened in Karagwe. We employ 3 technicians to teach tailoring, and we have 6 students. Our main customers are primary schools and secondary schools. From the sale of clothes we make, we made 2,100,000 Tanzania shillings (about $1000 U.S.).

With income from the sewing centers plus a donation from the Edinburgh Global Partnerships, we bought a corn milling machine. With this machine we make Grade A Super Maize Flour.

tanzaniaMachineIMG_20151024_073432Because we did not have a proper power source for the milling machine, we completed a separate project to supply it with electricity. The electricity project involved running new power lines to our machine from the main power line from Uganda to Tanzania. With the new power, ten local families have electricity for the first time.

We hope that you will be able to send more sewing machines by early 2016, and that we will have enough funds to get more bicycles and sewing machines after that.

Mr. Jonathan Mulokozi
CSM Tanzania, East Africa
Fall 2015