New Partner, 2024: Kola Nut Producers Association in Sierra Leone

Summer 2024 Newsletter

We are excited to announce a new partnership with the Kola Nut Producers Association Sierra Leone a locally based organization established in 2012. This partnership aims to support indigenous Kola Nut farmers in the districts of Kenema, Kono, and Kailahun by addressing transportation challenges that hinder their productivity.

Transportation Challenges

The Slow Food 10,000 Agricultural project in Sierra Leone along with the Kola Nut Producers highlighted the lack of transportation for Kola Nuts and other fruit grown in the area. Farmers in the rural Kailahun district face significant challenges in transporting their produce to central markets, resulting in a large amount of food waste before it can be sold. This transportation gap severely impacts the productivity and livelihood of local farmers.

Slow Food kids, Sierra LeoneTo alleviate this issue, our partner has requested information on the procedure for donating bicycles to their community. Providing bicycles will enable farmers to transport their produce more efficiently, reducing spoilage and increasing their revenue.

Community Impact

The Kola Nut Producers Association Sierra Leone has a history of supporting its community through various initiatives. During crises such as the Ebola and COVID-19 epidemics and the mudslide in Sierra Leone, KNPA-SL conducted sensitization drives, distributed food and hand wash fluid, and provided homes for orphaned children. Their grassroots interventions focus on benefiting vulnerable community members, particularly women and children.Slow Food Sierra Leone

Partnerships and Achievements

Slow Food school, Sierra LeoneKNPA-SL has established valuable partnerships with organizations like Slow Food Italy, Slow Food Canada, and Baladin Italy. Their members have participated in notable events such as the Space Agricultural Trade Fair in France and the Terra Madre Trade Fair in Italy. Additionally, they have implemented a school feeding program for children as part of the Slow Food Africa Gardens project.

Slow Foods, Sierra LeoneWe are committed to supporting the Kola Nut Producers Association Sierra Leone in their mission to protect and promote indigenous sustainable agriculture that is good, clean, and fair for everyone. Your continued support is vital in making this partnership successful and helping these farmers overcome their transportation challenges.