By Norbert E. Mbwiliza
Spring 2020 Newsletter
[Our partner organization in Tanzania is The Norbert and Friends Missions (NFM). A Report from Fall 2019 gives an introduction to their program and offers stories from people who have received a bike or a sewing machine. Here is their report from spring 2020.]
The February shipment was due to arrive in Dar es Salaam on 16 December 2019, but in fact arrived on 16 February 2020. The delay of the container entailed a long wait of the NFM envoy tasked to process the container clearance. We had trouble getting information on the schedule of the arrival. The long-awaited container arrived on February 16, incurring unexpected expenses. We thank God that finally the container arrived safely and the clearance process started the same day, taking 11 days, from February 16th to February 26th.
The transfer of the container to Arusha started on February 26th and arrived at NFM headquarters on February 27th; unloading began immediately. Bicycles and sewing machines were given to beneficiaries according to the preferences indicated in their orders, as shown in this table.
Region | District | Number furnished to beneficiaries | |
Bicycles | Sewing Machines | ||
Arusha | Arusha DC | 350 | 12 |
Kurasini | – | 2 | |
Dar es Salaam | Segerea | 4 | 13 |
Kilimanjaro | Moshi DC | 10 | 4 |
Kigoma | Kigoma DC | 10 | 2 |
Singida | Ikungi | 2 | – |
Total Distributed | 376 | 32 | |
Remaining stock | 52 | 20 |
Tanzania Success Stories, Spring 2020

Grayson Godson, Remen Eliona, and Junior
[We got personal stories from three students who got bikes from The Norbert and Friends Missions: Grayson Godson, Remen Eliona, and Junior. Here are some of their comments about their lives before and after getting their bikes.]
Before Getting a Bike
“In order to be on time at school, I had to be up very early in the morning, when it was still dark.”

“I live a long way from school, so I was already tired when I got there in the morning.”
“The long distance from Sasi to Oldadai primary School was totally discouraging me. . . I was sometimes late.”
“In the evening, I was arriving very late and exhausted at home and did not have enough time and energy to review my lessons and do my homeworks.”
After Getting a Bike
“I do not have enough and proper words to describe my joy and happiness at this time. With this bicycle, I will no longer toil and arrive late at school.”
“This bicycle has provided me with an easy transport that makes me arrive quickly at school without fatigue enabling me to follow lessons in all class sessions.”

“I can now get an ample time to do my homework and make my readings.”
“I will henceforth have enough time to review my lesson, do my homeworks and rest enough to gather the needed energy for the next day.”
“I am happy that this bicycle will be of a great help to increase my performance as I look forward to doing my national examination this year.”
“I will be swiftly riding to and from school. I will moreover spare my energy for class sessions and am now confident to boost my performance.”
“I address many thanks to the Norbert and Friends Missions for having made all this possible through this bicycle.”
Ruth Mbeho
Being a mother of 3 children without any reliable income is an uncertain life, a life without tomorrow. This sewing machine came to rescue me from this situation as my family and I were deeply sinking in the muddy ocean of poverty. We have been raising our hand for anyone to rescue us and the Norbert and Friends Missions have seen our hand. With this sewing machine, we will help ourselves alleviate poverty and as well other girls and young women who will come our way to acquire tailoring skills or practical tailoring experience. This is the offer I can make to increase the community impact of the tools I have received. May God Bless The Norbert and Friends Missions.
I am much this sewing machine and my business that keep me busy apart from generating an income. This sewing machine has created for me an employment and has taken me from the street. I will sell women fabrics in my Tailoring Mart to increase my income. It is very dangerous for a young lady to live a life without any income, heavily depending on parents or family members. This opens a wide door for mischievous deeds as it is easy to get lured. The Norbert and Friends Missions are really helping the very needy category of people like me. May God continue blessing them abundantly so that their helping hand can reach many people.