All posts by Michael Sabrio

A Letter from the Heartland

by Tim Weitzel
Fall 2010 InGear

Spring 2010 collection in Dubuque
Spring 2010 collection in Dubuque

Hello to everyone from the Heartland of America—Dubuque, Iowa to be exact. Dubuque is an old river town of about 62,000 people situated on the banks of the Mississippi River. I suppose many of you would think of Iowa as flat as a pancake, but Dubuque’s topography is more similar to San Francisco than to the Great Plains.

I first talked to Dave Schweidenback four years ago. In 2006, after roughly five years of “thinking about it,” I decided to try in some small way to “help someone.” My daughter, Erica, had returned from Haiti in 2002 with horrific stories of poverty and the immense transportation problems of that island. Being an avid road bicyclist, I had 3 or 4 “extra” bikes in my garage. My plan was to collect a few more and send them to a Catholic missionary in Port au Paix. I now laugh at how naïve I was. By the time I looked up, I had 30 bikes in my garage with no idea what to do next. Over coffee, a good friend of mine said simply, “Why don’t you check the internet? Somebody is probably already doing that.” And of course they were!

Bikes arrive at the collection site
Bikes arrive at the collection site

I called a phone number at Pedals for Progress and some guy named Dave answered. We talked for a long time, and though I wasn’t sure he liked me, I needed to get rid of “my bikes.” My next problems were determining how I would get them to New Jersey and how much would I have to pay. I kind of remember Dave saying something about $10.00 a bike, which meant something like $300.00, plus shipping to New Jersey. I soon learned the economics of philanthropy! But, like super heroes, Ding Bell, Jack Blosch, John Markham, Paul Schultz, Tim Hodge, the Dubuque Noon Optimists, the Dubuque Bike Club, and Joe Bitter burst onto the scene. Almost overnight, it seems now, I went from a one-man show to a well oiled, yet still somewhat unorganized, group of dedicated bike collectors.

We still scramble for money, but things always seem to work out. We often talk and dream about how to collect more bikes or how to get them to New Jersey and beyond more efficiently. I see no turning back now. Our immediate goal is to continue to organize and plan for future collections.

Processing a child's bike for shipment to P4P
Processing a child’s bike for shipment to P4P

When Dave asked me to write this article about Pedals for Progress presence in Dubuque, I was proud, humbled, and a bit surprised. Proud, because I really believe we have helped lift families out of poverty and made their lives a bit easier. Humbled, because I am just a small part of the Dubuque operation: much, much credit goes to the unsung volunteers, the Dubuque Noon Optimists, Dubuque Bike Club, Jack Blosch, Ding Bell, and my father, George Weitzel. Surprised, because when I started out four years ago I envisioned collecting 50 bikes at the most. We currently have collected 1663 bikes and I am constantly amazed at the community support we receive. Finally, above all, I am thankful to Dave Schweidenback for trusting someone from half a country away whom he has never met, and to all the donors who continue to bring in their bikes.

Letter from Dolinta Mihaela, Moldova

Fall 2010 InGear

Dear Pedals for Progress,


The Milesian philosopher Thales said that one of the very difficult things for men was “to know oneself.” But I also think it’s one of the most rewarding. We discover new sides of our personalities trying new things and learning new skills. These experiences help us look forward to new goals. That’s why it’s so important to try every opportunity to know yourself. At Consult-Nord’s sewing center I’ve had the opportunity to improve my sewing skills—and I found the experience beautiful. I always wanted to be a designer and create my own clothes and I’ve been able to make my dream come true. I didn’t need to become an expert to create clothing, I only needed the desire and inspiration of knowing how splendid it is to wear clothes you’ve made by yourself. But I also think the sewing center is more than simply a place to pursue an interest. It’s helping to meet a real need we have nowadays. Not everyone has the chance to buy a sewing machine in order to make or repair garments, so in this case the center provides a practical solution.

These sewing classes helped me a lot in improving my skills and now I’m sewing my own garments. That’s amazing, isn’t it? I feel myself very lucky because I learned to sew and I am thankful to all those people who implemented this project. Thanks a lot for helping people to realize their dreams!

Dolinta Mihaela, 12th grade student

Letter from Pripa Elena, Moldova

Fall 2010 InGear

Dear Pedals for Progress,


I am a 15-year-old girl from Pelinia, Moldova, and trying to choose the way of my future. Frankly speaking, I was confused and didn’t know where to continue my studies. But now, after attending the “Art of Sewing” courses organized in our village by Consult-Nord, I know for sure that I will be a dressmaker. These courses were of great help to me, and my friends too. First, because we teenagers from the village are not so lucky as those from the cities, we don’t have the possibilities they do. Second, the courses were free.

We were satisfied here because we have learnt a lot of interesting things starting with the fabrics’ structure, taking measurements, and finishing with performing certain operations in sewing. We were given knowledge about the sewing process from start to finish. I sewed myself a nice dress and after I finished the courses my parents bought me the very machine I had worked on. I hope to make my parents happy sewing for them, too.

In conclusion, on behalf of the girls who attended the courses, I want to thank you for your kindness. I greatly appreciate you helping me reach my goals.

Pripa Elena, 9th grade student

Programii Alternativave Sociale Stimuluese, Tirana, Albania

Fall 2010 InGear

P1240012webPASS (Programii Alternativave Sociale Stimuluese, Social Stimulating Alternative Programme), located in the Albanian capital city Tirana, was established in 2002 with the goal of encouraging community action and raising public awareness of local social and environmental issues. Some of their activities include operating the Welcoming Center for Families in Need, involving local residents in resolving community problems through their Volunteer Action Movement, supporting the AKSES Program to foster the education and employment of rural youth, and facilitating youth community engagement through the Civil Youth Project.

Albania is a small country, approximately the size of Maryland, on the Adriatic coast of the Balkan Peninsula. After the Second World War it was isolated from the rest of the world by a xenophobic, Stalinist government. For decades Albanians, mostly Muslim, experienced purges, economic hardship and underdevelopment, political and civil repression, and the total ban on religious observance.

Its long isolation contributed to Albania’s status as one of the poorest nations in Europe. In 2008 its per capita income was less than $4000 a year and the official unemployment rate was over 12%. Remittances from Albanian workers abroad make up almost 10% of the country’s economy; with the recent crises with the global financial system and with the Euro, these remittances have fallen dramatically.

PASS works with the most marginalized populations of Albania, primarily rural dwellers and ethnic minorities. These are the people who suffered most under the Communist regime and the recent decline in remittances, and who were mostly ignored by the liberalization of the past two decades. The rate of unemployment and lack of education among this population is very high.

With help from Pedals for Progress, PASS plans to establish a Tirana Community Bicycle program. Not only will this provide jobs for workers maintaining and managing the community bicycles, but the bikes themselves will help reduce the social and economic isolation of suburban and rural communities by providing dedicated transportation from the margins of Tirana to the center. An additional effect of the program will be to raise awareness among citizens of the bicycle as a fun, healthy, and environmentally sound method of transportation.

PASS facebook page

Ecovolis bike-sharing program

P4P Recipient Spotlight: Eliseo Perez, Nicaragua

Spring 2010 InGear

Name: Eliseo Perez
Age: 16 years
Parents: Cristobal Manuel Perez y Catalina Valverde
Born in: Diriamba Carazo, Nicaragua
School: Colegio la Palmera
Completed 3rd grade of elementary school
Family: 4 brothers


Meet Eliseo Perez. When he was very young, he was diagnosed with leukemia and doctors discovered a brain tumor. Not only could he not ride a bicycle, but he could only walk with the aid of a cane. As he got older, and with treatment, his condition improved. At the age of ten, he stopped using the cane and began to play, ride a bicycle, and play soccer. His doctors told him he should not play sports due to his illness, but his poor health could not keep him from being an active teenager. Once he started biking regularly his health improved—the exercise helped his body develop. His bicycle became much more than a means of transport; it gave him his life back. The use of the bicycle gave him the opportunity to develop the potential of employment. He now works as a gardener, so he can contribute financially to the family income. What a difference a bike can make.

Helping Children: Soccer Equipment in Ghana

Spring 2010 InGear

Recipients of soccer equipment from the Westchester NY Cycle Club
Recipients of soccer equipment from the Westchester NY Cycle Club

In the United States, it’s a common sight to see kids in schoolyards and backyards, on the beach or on the street, get together to play a casual game of football or just to toss the pigskin around. The same is true all over the world, except in most places the ball in play belongs to the other football—soccer. The boys and girls of Okurase, in Ghana, are no different than so many around the world; they use sports to compete, make friends, and lose themselves in happy play. It’s good for health and socialization. Often, however, children in underdeveloped countries lack the resources for actual soccer equipment, so they improvise. Stones are wrapped around with duct tape, sandals substitute for athletic shoes, cardboard boxes stand in for nets. The children damage their feet and legs playing a game they love with inadequate gear. Again, unfortunately, Okurase is no different.

Last year, the students and faculty of South Brunswick (NJ) High School and the Westchester (NY) Cycle Club collected a large amount of soccer equipment that, combined with other small donations, added up to forty soccer balls and eighty-six pairs of cleats, which we placed in the second shipment to Ghana last year.

As a general rule, Pedals for Progress does not ship a great deal of sporting goods for the children in towns where we distribute bicycles. In the past, we’ve often had problems with foreign customs, so many of our overseas partners requested that we no longer include them in our shipments, even though the equipment is deeply coveted. So we now collect only a little bit every year. The inclusion of sporting goods does not meet P4P’s mission goal of economic development, but in small amounts, for the smiles on children’s faces, it is one of the best goodwill gestures. Poverty is especially difficult on children during their formative years and we believe that sports can lead to a more peaceful society.

Consult-Nord: P4P Partner in Moldova

moldovaSewingPICT0035Consult-Nord, a local Moldovan NGO established to promote local economic development in Pelinia, saw the potential results that Pedals for Progress’s bicycles and sewing machines could provide and requested to become a partner. Consult-Nord started selling bicycles this winter after receiving a shipment in late December of 2008. The good quality, affordable bicycles are now available at a shop set up by Consult-Nord, offer numerous opportunities to villagers that otherwise would be inaccessible to them.

The photographs are from the sewing workshop at Consult-Nord from the first shipment.

Read more about Consult-Nord and Moldova in the Fall 2009 InGear.

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Sewing Machines in Kyrgyzstan and Beyond

Spring 2009 InGear

Over the years, word got around that, in addition to bicycles, we were recycling used sewing machines. This practice started somewhat by accident, and gradually became a regular part of our work. Initially, “Treadles for Progress” simply meant sending along several refurbished sewing machines with our bike shipments. Since sewing machines are encased and fit neatly in the remaining space in our shipping containers, essentially, they were stowaways with the bike shipments.

But requests from our overseas partners for sewing machines separate from bikes increased. Unfortunately, we couldn’t afford to do that. But we didn’t exactly give up on the idea either.

Shipping bikes is easier, and less costly per unit, than shipping sewing machines. First of all, bikes are light, sewing machines are heavy. Second, shipping containers come in two sizes, 20-foot and 40-foot. Forty-foot containers are the most cost effective for us, and we collect enough bikes to regularly fill them. Used sewing machines, on the other hand, are much less available than used bikes, so we can’t easily fill containers with them. In order for us to get sewing machines overseas, separate from bikes, air freight, which is very expensive, is our only option. This is why we usually send only six or seven machines at a time.

Last year we developed a partnership in Kyrgyzstan. Our partner there, a community organization, wanted sewing machines they would own and on which they could train locals who wanted to become tailors. By selling the products they made, they could help offset the shipping costs. This, along with a grant from the International Monetary Fund, enabled us to air freight 25 sewing machines to Kyrgyzstan.

The success of this program gave us the impetus to start other sewingmachine-only programs in a similar manner. We now have two more, one in Nicaragua, the other in Uganda.

In order to promote our sewing machine program more, we’ve invited several women’s groups in our region to collect sewing machines. Along with this, Vorhees High School in Vorhees, New Jersey, is enlisting their home economics club to do the same.

Uganda Sewing Machine Program

spring2009ugandaStudentsIn Uganda, our partner organization is the Malaba Youth Center, which caters to both in- and out-of-school youth in this volatile region along the Uganda-Kenya border. Youth here are at especially high risk of contracting HIV/AIDS, particularly those who drop out of school. As one might expect, job opportunities in this region are few. And they are fewer still without a high school or vocational education. The sewing machines we send to the Malaba Youth Center are used specifically for vocational training. Students learn to become tailors, but they can also begin to earn an income as their skills develop. Along with this, they are also keeping themselves safe from the temptations that lure so many of their peers into troubled lives. And once they have a valuable skill, they can remain free from the poverty that would otherwise define them.

Nicaragua Sewing Machine Program

In the developing world, in the hands of someone who knows how to use one, a sewing machine means instant income. The following two profiles are fairly typical examples of how sewing machines help people in the developing world, whether in Latin America, Africa, or Eastern Europe.

Juan Carlos and Migdalia Davila

Juan Carlos and Migdalia in their homeFor years, Juan Carlos Davila worked by day as a receptionist at a private institution in Jinotepe. His wife, Migdalia, is a skilled seamstress. At night, he helped her with the sewing to earn extra money for their amily. His receptionist salary was barely enough for them and their 11-year-old son to get by on. As their tailoring business grew, it was their hope that one day they could come to depend on it as their sole income. But a second sewing machine, a new one, was far too costly.

In November 2008, Juan Carlos was suddenly laid off from his receptionist job. Today, he and Migdalia survive because they can both sew, and because they were able to get a second sewing machine from Pedals for Progress through our partner organization Ecobicicleta Rivas. Today at their tailor shop, they make men’s suits, women’s dresses, curtains, table linens, and they are currently searching for an employee or two to expand their business.

Elvis Cruz

spring2009ElvisAndFamilyElvis Cruz is 25 years old and from Managua, Nicaragua. He was born disabled, both of his arms are severely deformed. While this provided certain challenges, it hasn’t kept Elvis from working, playing baseball, or otherwise living a full life.

Married with two young children, Elvis works as a flagman directing traffic in Managua. But his income wasn’t enough to adequately support his family. After making a public appeal on a local TV show for the opportunity to earn more money, his wife received a sewing machine from one of our partners. A talented seamstress, now she works from their home earning extra income for their family.

Continued Clif Bar Support

Spring 2009 InGear

Our project in Sierra Leone is less than a year old, and it’s already a success despite many initial logistical difficulties. Helping us overcome these challenges is the very generous Clif Bar and Company. Because of a significant grant from the Clif Bar Family Foundation, we were able to fund the vital first shipment of bikes to Sierra Leone in July. This got the project started.


Since then, our partners in Sierra Leone have already received their second shipment (described in Greg Sucharew’s article). As with all of our programs, it’s the first shipment that enables our partners to get their revolving fund started so they can pay for subsequent shipments. In the case of Sierra Leone, shipping charges are much higher than usual, and without help from Clif Bar, we never could have met that expense. But financial assistance from the Clif Bar Family Foundation hasn’t stopped there. They recently informed us they will be providing us with a grant of $10,000 a year for the next three years! This will ensure the growth of our program in Sierra Leone, as well as enable us to open new programs that, like Sierra Leone’s, are normally too costly for us to start. As you might suspect, these programs are in the very countries that most need help.

In addition to fueling athletes and health-conscious people-on-the-go with delicious and nutritious energy bars, gels and drinks, Clif Bar does a lot of other wonderful things for the planet. You can learn more at, where you’ll also find us listed among their Long-term Partners. While you’re there, don’t hesitate to purchase an “On Your Behalf” Gift Card from their site. You can support your favorite bicycle-recycling nonprofit, or any of the other noble groups among their Long-term Partners.