Category Archives: Albania

2019: Sewing machines for women locked in blood feuds in northern Albania

By the EcoVolis Team
Spring 2019 Newsletter

The Kanun of Lek Dukagjini is a set of traditional Albanian laws originally codified in the 15th century. The Kanun includes laws on religion, family, work, and honor, including laws sanctioning murder in blood feuds. Blood-taking or retaliation has affected many families — including women, mothers, and children — in the Malësia e Madhe and Shkodër regions of Albania. Under Kanun, affected families have no right to leave their homes, under penalty of death.

Today Kanun affects over 106 families, 83 convicted of Kanun crimes. Though Kanun-sanctioned violence is illegal in Albania, the state is still ineffective in dealing with it.

PASS/Ecovolis undertook a house-to-house campaign to donate dozens of sewing machines to women of these families. On May 13, 2019, we brought sewing machines to the confined households in Malësia e Madhe. We had the opportunity to hear about the hardships of living with their isolation: the poverty, the inability to work and support children, the inability of children to go to school and to have a normal childhood.

“It’s impossible,” says Anjeza, a mother of four, “raising the children, keeping the family locked up without any support or job opportunities. We do not know how our destiny will go.”

PASS has raised concerns about these families several times. In the fall 2015 P4P newsletter, we decribed the effect of Kanun on children’s lives. Children are not allowed to leave their family property, so they may be deprived of school and education. PASS visited several of these families to donate bicycles that children can ride at least in their yards.

Together with Sewing Peace we believe we have given some hope for dozens of women in an impossible situation. As always, thanks to P4P/SP for this opportunity!

[ PASS/Ecovolis facebook post on the sewing machine project (in Albanian, but with lots of photos)]

Fall 2018: Bike School and Bike Jobs in Tirana, Albania

By the Ecovolis Team
Fall 2018 InGear

It was a Saturday afternoon when the activists of EcoVolis went out as usual to patrol the new bicycle lanes here in Tirana, Albania. In one lane there was a motorcycle driving fast, in another a car that had completely blocked the bike lane. A total of 12 miles of lanes built in a very short time by the head of PASS/Ecovolis, now titled the “Bike Mayor”. PASS and Pedals for Progress are the right combination to turn Tirana into the City of Bikes.

In just a moment we counted over ten bikers using the lanes. It was a rare emotion for the activists who have fought for ten years for protected lanes. Now these lanes are flowing rivers of bikers. Just like boats on true rivers, these bikers go about their days on these lanes.

We take a look back in time: How did we get here? The collaboration with Pedals for Progress gave the opportunity to PASS, the mother organization of EcoVolis, to undertake tens and hundreds of activities with the mission to return bikes to Tirana. It was the start of this partnership in 2000 that decided how things were going to be for the bikers of Tirana today. And how beautiful things are!

There are daily bikers for the Day Care, Two-wheels Academy, Free the Lanes, weekend biking, tour guides for guests, bikes for kids who cannot afford them, bikes for the elderly and the communities that need them. One great example is the transformation of 30 bikes from P4P into cargo bikes for the Romani community to work in the recycling field (a total of 60 new jobs).

The number of bikers in Tirana has grown tenfold. At the EcoVolis Service shop a lot of bikers come to repair or exchange their bikes for better ones from the U.S.A. This led us to start to train young girls and boys to repair bikes in order to open more EcoVolis Service points and also to create new jobs for more people.

Now that there are more than 7000 bikes from P4P, EcoVolis has another ambitious mission: to open a bike school. Taking as examples other countries where bikes are ubiquitous—the Netherlands and Denmark, for example—Tirana is also at the point in which it is opening the first schools for bikes, with the full support of P4P. This school, now in the planning stages, is expected to add 3000–4000 bikers to the lanes per year.

To change movement in a city with over 1 million inhabitants is the story of the success of a strong partnership like the one between U.S.A./P4P and Albania/PASS. When we look back we cannot believe that fate and time approached us with such a virtuous organization, whose support and energy helped us to create so many jobs for the community and to make a two-wheel revolution for our city. Thank you, Pedals For Progress. You are already a Nobel Prize organization.

Report from Albania: A Special Day for Bulqizë Kids and Communities

By the EcoVolis Team
Spring 2018

Bulqizë is an Albanian town about 40 miles northeast of Tirana, the capital. During the Communist era Bulqizë was a mining town well known for the high quality of its chromium and copper. At its peak it was home to around 50,000 people with full employment and excellent infrastructure – including schools, health centers, and roads. Mineral enrichment and smelting factories also provided employment for surrounding rural communities.

Today Bulqizë has been reduced to an isolated settlement with fewer than 14,000 inhabitants, who still live in the old and decaying Communist-era apartment buildings erected 45 years ago. Unemployment is high and the majority of families live at or below the poverty line. The tragic loss of life of men who work in the mines has left their families with little or no income. Community members and children thus feel financial and other kinds of pressure, and social problems continue to worsen.

On 1 May 2018, EcoVolis Albania headed to Bulqizë to meet with these communities and donate more than 20 bicycles to the most needy children and families. We also distributed boxes of clothes, toys, books, and modest supplies, providing some much needed relief. EcoVolis activists spent the day in the town talking to people about their lives, hardships, experiences, and daily issues. They also helped children to get on their bikes for the first time in their life, talked to them about their school, dreams, and what it is like growing up in Bulqizë. A local organization joined EcoVolis in this activity, helped us identify the most needy families, and facilitated our interaction with the local community.

At the end of the day, our EcoVolis team headed back to Tirana with fond memories of the children and their excitement when they got their new bikes. At the same time, we realize how much more support is needed in Bulqizë. With a series of similar activities in other vulnerable communities across Albania, our EcoVolis Team has given people there a happy break in their everyday routines. Though we can’t make a fundamental change in their lives overnight, we can give children the hope that their future can be different from their parents’ and we can inspire them to dream big like their peers elsewhere in Albania and the world.

Diary, Container Albania #12, Fall 2017

On October 21, 2017, we loaded P4P container Albania #12 bound for Durrës, Albania: 494 bicycles and 30 sewing machines. The container got trucked to Port Newark, then shipped to Haifa, Israel. The container vessel was the Asiatic Liberty. The route of the Asiatic Liberty in December 2017 included Haifa and Ashdod, Israel; Koper, Slovenia; Venice and Ravenna, Italy; and Durrës Albania.

[More photos]

Our international shipments always include a heap of logistics. But because of bad weather in and around the Mediterranean Sea, the Albania #12 container had more drama than usual, including a failed attempt to dock in Albania.

The good news is that Ecovolis, our partner in Albania, finally got the shipment on 29 December 2017, and unloaded it around midnight the same day.

Here’s the story. Roxana and Lauren work for the shipping companies we use.

On Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 8:40 AM, Roxana wrote:

Good morning David,

We are waiting for the OBLS (Original Bills of Lading), I think we will receive them tomorrow or Monday, once I have them I’ll send them you.


On Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 11:00 AM, Roxana wrote:

Dear David,

We will send OBLS to you.

Tracking number 770572513697


On Thu, Oct 26, 2017 at 11:06 AM, Roxana wrote:


We just received a notice from the SSL that ETA change

On Tue, Oct 31, 2017 at 11:01 AM, Roxana wrote:

Hello David!

Happy Halloween =)

I’ve not received the OBLS yet, I’ll check and advise


Best Regards,


On Fri, Nov 3, 2017 at 12:01 PM, Roxana wrote:

Dear David

Please find below tracking number for your OBLS


Best Regards,


On Nov 6, 2017, at 9:48 AM, Roxana wrote:

Good morning David

Could you please confirm that you have received OBLS?


On Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 8:04 AM, Roxana wrote:

Dear David

Please find below tracking of this shipment for your reference

On Tue, Dec 5, 2017 at 9:51 AM, Roxana wrote:

Dear David

The vessel has ETA for today, I’ll keep you posted about any update


On Dec 6, 2017, at 9:57 AM, Roxana wrote:

Hello David

Please consignee is doing customs clearance.


From: Roxana

Subject: Re: 13877 Re: ZIMUORF0741498
Date: December 11, 2017 at 11:22:15 AM EST
To: David Schweidenback

Dear David

Good morning,

Kindly note that the container did not discharge in Durrës port.

Below you will find the email we received from ZIM Line Albania:

Dear Client

We would like to inform you that vessel Asiatic Liberty arrived Durrës on Saturday 9th of December but due to bad weather conditions and huge delays, vessel omitted call. We will keep you informed about arrival of containers as soon as possible.

On Tue, Dec 12, 2017 at 4:11 AM, Lauren wrote:

Dear David,

I apologize due to the delay at the Port, I hope it is promptly fixed. Roxana and I will continue to update you on the status of this shipment.

Please let us know if you need anything else,


On Thu, Dec 14, 2017 at 9:51 AM, Roxana wrote:

Dear David

Please note that consignee is still doing customs clearance, I’ll let you know once shipment is released.


On Thu, Dec 14, 2017 at 10:50 AM, Roxana wrote:

Dear David,

Hope you are doing well

Please note that we have not received any update yet.

I’ll keep you posted

Best Regards,


From: Roxana
Sent: Friday, December 15, 2017 11:58 PM
To: David Schweidenback Subject: Re: 13779 II Re: 8016759110

Dear David

Website shows that shipment was delivered, I’m waiting for agent confirmation and I’ll confirm you.

Best Regards,


From: Lauren
Date: December 19, 2017 at 6:32:27 PM EST
To: Roxana, David Schweidenback

Dear David,

The agent confirmed the shipment has been cleared from Tema Port.

From: Fran
Subject: Re: 13877 Re: ZIMUORF0741498
Date: December 22, 2017 at 10:20:14 AM EST
To: Roxana
Cc: David Schweidenback

Hello David!

I hope you are well. Here is the latest update:

Container ZCSU7071639 is expected to arrive tomorrow at the afternoon in Durrës port, Albania.


On Sat, Dec 30, 2017 at 5:40 PM, David Schweidenback wrote:


¿Did you get the container?

From: Ened Mato
Subject: Re: container
Date: December 30, 2017 at 12:48:36 PM EST
To: David Schweidenback


Ened Mato
Ecovolis Director

Here are the ports of call of the vessel Asiatic Liberty on the fateful voyages. In the first voyage, the vessel bypassed Albania because of “weather and huge delays”.

Port Name Direction Local Arrival Local Departure
Haifa W 29-Nov-2017 30-Nov-2017
Ashdod W 30-Nov-2017 01-Dec-2017
Koper E 05-Dec-2017 06-Dec-2017
Venice E 06-Dec-2017 07-Dec-2017
Ravenna E 07-Dec-2017 08-Dec-2017
Haifa E 13-Dec-2017 13-Dec-2017
Port Name Direction Local Arrival Local Departure
Haifa W 13-Dec-2017 13-Dec-2017
Ashdod W 14-Dec-2017 15-Dec-2017
Koper E 19-Dec-2017 19-Dec-2017
Venice E 20-Dec-2017 20-Dec-2017
Ravenna E 21-Dec-2017 21-Dec-2017
Durrës E 22-Dec-2017 23-Dec-2017
Haifa E 27-Dec-2017 28-Dec-2017

Report from Albania, Fall 2017

Fall 2017 InGear

Albania has one of our most active partners, PASS/Ecovolis, which runs a wide variety of social and environmental programs. An Update from March 2017 mentions two of their programs. One uses P4P/SP sewing machines to make reusable shopping bags and the the other operates a children’s library, LibrAria.

Ened Mato, the PASS director, recently reported on two other PASS projects.

The School of Nature is a children’s program in the Albanian capital, Tirana. The goal of the program is to give urban kids some experience in nature while having fun and learning. Here are some examples of School of Nature activities:

  • raise a tent camp
  • plant different kinds of flowers
  • read books
  • paint
  • take canoe trips on the artificial lake in Tirana

The Elders’ Academy is a program to teach older adults to ride bicycles. Some of the riders have not ridden a bike for many years and some have never learned to ride. I don’t know about you, but the thought of learning to ride a bike at age 50 or 60 sounds a little scary, especially in a busy city like Tirana. But in the photos we’ve seen, these “elders” look like they’re having a blast.

Big Weekend in June 2017

You knew the weekend of June 24, 2017, was going to be action packed when you saw the P4P trailers and parking lot. The Triton 40-foot container had been delivered for our 11th shipment to Albania. The Avis rental truck was ready for the final collection of the spring season. And Dave’s Mini and a couple of volunteer vehicles were parked out front.

Sewing Machines to Tanzania

We had collected enough sewing machines for a shipment of two pallets to Tanzania. Our tinkerers Simon Rosenstein and Dennis Smyth had worked tirelessly over the last few months getting the machines into good working order. Several dozen machines were boxed and ready to pack. We had just made the final arrangements with our partner in Tanzania, the She Can Foundation. The Summer 2017 InStitch newsletter has this post about a recent trip around Tanzania by She Can founder Sophia Mwakagenda, a Member of the Parliament of Tanzania.

On Friday, we prepared the two pallets. We stacked the boxed machines on a pallet, leaving room for a couple of sets of the heavy treadle stands. We nestled the treadle stands inside the walls of boxed sewing machines, put a cardboard roof over the treadles, and added another layer of boxed machines. We added some cardboard padding, roped it up, then shrink-wrapped the whole thing into a neat 4-foot cube. We shipped a total of 68 machines in the two pallets.

Bon voyage, sewing machines. See you in Tanzania!

Eleventh Container to Albania

Also on Friday, we pre-loaded 53 adult bikes, 25 kids’ bikes, and some sewing machines into the container bound for Albania. The pre-load lets us take care of any special packing before the big push on Saturday. This time we used the pre-load to pack very carefully a handful of spectacular bikes, including that famous carbon-fiber Specialized Roubaix. In the photos you can see that it has its own personal cardboard stall. These bikes will go to people who love cycling and are willing to pay a high price for a special bike. Our partner in Albania, PASS/Ecovolis, will be extremely happy to get some high-end bikes they can sell to help support their programs.

On Saturday, the real loading crew took over and did the hard work. They started at 7am to try to avoid the heat of the day, when the interior of the container attains advanced sauna status. Some sections of the container get three rows of bikes stacked on top of each other: two rows of adult bikes and one row of kids’ bikes. To pack the top row, you climb into a sweltering 3-foot niche with the broiling roof of the container blistering your flesh. Then you contort yourself into the most awkward position you can think of and take ridiculously heavy kids’ bikes from the person passing them up. Then you push them into position, using hands, feet, and any other body part that proves useful. The idea is always to get as many bikes as possible into the container—the shipping cost is fixed, so every bike adds to the bottom line.

When the container is almost full, we close one of the two container doors and jam in the last few dozen bikes, jig-saw like. Our partners are well aware of our packing methods, so they open the container doors gingerly, hoping not to be crushed by an avalance of bicycles.

The final count for the Albania container: 426 adult bikes, 100 kids’ bikes, 25 pairs of pedals, 9 saddles, 12 baskets, 25 helmets, 9 sets of training wheels, 2 bike racks, 4 wheels, 8 tires, and a few other miscellaneous bike parts and accessories, plus 15 sewing machines. That’s a full container!

Our Albania partner, PASS/Ecovolis, is one of our most active partners. They have a bike shop and a bike sharing program in Tirana, the capital of Albania. They also have projects in reforestation, childhood literacy and nutrition, and low-income housing.

As for sewing machines, Ened Mato, head of Ecovolis, tells us that they now have extra importance. Partly thanks to Ecovolis efforts in political persuasion, Tirana merchants now must charge a small fee for plastic shopping bags. Yet another PASS group, Trasta o Nona, manufactures fabric shopping bags, using Sewing Peace machines. The PASS shopping bags should sell much better with the new fee on plastic bags.

Flemington Collection

While the crew was loading the Albania container, Gary was running the final collection of the spring 2017 season. The Presbyterian Church of Flemington and the Flemington Rotary Club collected 42 bikes and 19 sewing machines.

Summer Break

So that was our big weekend: we shipped 68 sewing machines to Tanzania on Friday, finished loading 526 bikes and 15 sewing machines for Albania on Saturday, and also on Saturday collected 42 bikes and 19 sewing machines in Flemington. Well done all around.

The shipments to Tanzania and Albania emptied the trailers of most bikes and sewing machines, but there are a few left as a start on our next shipments, which we will make later in the year.

Our collections resume in September. Get in touch if you’d like to host one. Have a great summer.

Albania Update, March, 2017

Dear David,

I wish you and your organization the best. We have been engaged in several important campaigns.

After four years, supported by money we earned by selling shopping bags we made with P4P sewing machines, we won an important battle against plastic garbage. YES! Now even people in Albania are paying a modest fee for plastic bags. This has created an even larger market for our bags. Another mission accomplished together: PASS & P4P!

Building bike frames in Albania
Building bike frames in Albania

The project of the Albanian Bicycle is taking life. So far we have produced 50 bicycle frames, 100% Albanian.These bikes fill different roles than the excellent bicycles we get from P4P. The Albanian bikes we are building are cargo bikes, taxi bikes, coffee bikes, etc. For each bike sold we are still planting 10 trees. ☺

We are also very interested in solar panels. We are highly active in environmental issues and have implemented several projects involving solar energy. We would like to continue our mission to promote clean energies.


We opened a children’s library we call LibrAria in the Grand Park of Tirana. About 5000 children per month visit us there. With the generous help of a local publishing house, we offer children’s books for no charge. Besides books, we also offer musical instruments – guitars and percussion – that the kids can play in the park. On Mondays we have a flutist who gives free lessons.

albania2017aprKidsBookstoreIMG_1888We invented games that give the kids a better appreciation of nature. For example, on the Island of Little Robinson Crusoe we asked the children to think about how they would survive, how they could sustain themselves, if they had to live outside. Another time we started the Odyssey island project and the children helped build a small boat to get to the island. A third time we created the Island of Indian Tents. We always have colors and paints that the kids use in the projects.

On Saturday evenings we bring in a piano and invite adults to listen to the music and enjoy a glass of wine. We’ve also had some fantastic music from Trio Bonae, who play classical music for violin, cello, and contrabass.

So we’re outside in the park with the children, their parents, and the lake, books, trees, tents, and games. We feel so good about this project.

THANK YOU for your hard work and for everything P4P has done for Albania and for our organization. We wish you only the best in the future!


Ened Mato

[Check out this one-minute video of a dance party with PASS making fabric bags using P4P sewing machines.]

The Bike Academy in Tirana, Albania

Fall 2016 InGear

We’ve been providing free cycling classes for the past two years, where many young people come to learn how to ride a bike. We notice more and more young people come each week. And riders improve as the weeks go by. Each week we are inspired to persist in changing our daily lives and the traffic of Tirana. We’re glad to inform you that we’ve used several of the bikes for the activities we’ve organized, hence changing the lives of those who only dreamed of learning to ride a bike. We are pleased to see our former students riding on city streets. The number of bike riders has tripled and all this thanks to the “Bike Academy”.

Bike Tours

We travel by bikes every Saturday to various destinations, thus traveling several miles while discovering, cleaning, and promoting different attractions on the outskirts of Tirana. We are grateful for the bikes you’ve donated because it is through those bikes that the young people are provided the opportunity to become part of these travels since they don’t possess a bike of their own. The bike trips have brought us closer to the people who need us the most and more conscious of the distinctive issues the suburbs face.

Bicycle Essay Contest

We often organize a literary contest consisting of a bike essay and award the winner one of the bikes you have provided. The main purpose of this contest is to raise awareness of citizens, artists, and bike lovers through literary expression, with the main topic being the ecological two-wheeled vehicle. The aim of this competition is to assess everyone, be they young or old, be they writers or artists, who want or need to express themselves regarding the bikes.

Letter from Albania, October 2016

Dear David,

I hope all is well with you.

Winter is on the verge in Albania as the first snow has fallen on the Dajti Mountain in Tirana. We’ve worked very hard during the summer at the camp in Jal with lots of young and energetic people. We’ve come back to Tirana full of energy, dreams and plans, as we are recognized for our leadership in improving the life of the community.

The first project we’ve completed is a soup kitchen in the neighborhood of Tufina in Tirana. The right to food is the basis for human rights, enshrined in conventions and constitutions, including that of the United Nations. Article 25.1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.”

2016octalbaniakidseatingOur mission “A plate full of love” is initially to help nourish, at least twice a week, 300 members of the community using surpluses that society already has available. Eventually we hope to open the soup kitchen every day. We believe that no one should go hungry and that we have a moral obligation to assist those who need aid the most. Malnutrition causes poor health and premature deaths, and has long-term effects on wellbeing and productivity.

It was both a pleasure and a challenge building this kitchen as we had to reconstruct the whole building, build a new roof and find food. The walls were painted by volunteers as we wanted to engage them on this project as they can gain experience, confidence and a great sense of pride being part of the community.

We have also launched an event called “Ecovolis has a bike for you” where we invite everyone who wants a bike but can’t afford one to write to us. We receive so many letters each week and donate a bike every week to the person whose letter impressed us the most. The fact that this is a surprise event makes it that much more special.

Last but not least, the winter is on the way and we’ll need other bikes to proceed with our projects as Eco Bicycle is our main source of support and the bikes from the last container from P4P are almost gone. So we were wondering when do you think you’ll be able to proceed with the next shipment to Albania?

We appreciate and are deeply grateful for all your assistance. Thanks in advance!!

Best Regards,

October 12, 2016

[Click here to see the Ecovolis facebook page.]